Why Euro School Chhauni?

Good food, Good Mood at Euro Canteen:

Nutritious and well-balanced diet along with some freshening up of the taste buds keeps the children healthy and happy – the two major requirements for effective learning. To ensure that the children eat good food and are in a good mood throughout their day, Euro School provides lunch and snack services at school. The food provided is aligned with the body requirements of the child and excessive spices and junk are avoided.

Connect and Communicate with our App:

Euro Kids/Euro School (Chhauni) App aims to facilitate regular and seamless communication between the institution and the parents, keeping the parents updated about the child’s educational progress and achievements. Our constant endeavor is to unite the educators, the parents and the children together to foster better learning such that we together create a better developed community.

Creating global citizens through multilingual proficiency:

The first step towards embracing diversity begins with learning of new languages and at Euro School, Chhauni we have now inculcated language classes of Chinese to ensure that our students have a sound knowledge about international languages and they can become proficient multilingual speakers. Through learning multiple languages, our students learn to accept different diverse backgrounds while their ability to grasp new information also steadily rises as various studies have shown that multilingual people tend to be smarter and easy learners in the long run.

Euro School Toastmasters Club:

Children can join the Toastmasters Club to upgrade their speaking skills. Confidence while speaking in front of a mass, while facing interviews, while confronting a stranger – everything carries more weight than any sort of written aspects unlike the olden times. This is a part of 21st Century learning skills which is necessary and apt for today’s era.

Education: Technified:

Taking into consideration the needs of the 21st generation, we have now integrated tech into our learning process and through methods of motion based learning where we show video clips we ensure that our students become future ready through capability to handle technological

developments efficiently. We also make use of digital resources and educational apps to ensure our resource content is widespread and is inclusive of new changes in the international arena.

Take a summer ‘Swim’

Swimming is considered to be one of the healthiest exercises which helps in the growth of the body. It’s not only a form of exercise but it also is a life savior skill which can come in handy during emergencies. To help our students learn this skill while also allowing them to freshen up themselves, we provide swimming facilities so that our children can enjoy their summers by taking a rejuvenating swim.

Let’s cherish child protection with the ‘Child Club’:

In the quest to ensure that our students grow up in a safe and nurturing environment with adults who are committed to safeguarding them, we have established a child club where our students are brought together and trained to protect themselves and their social circle from any form of violence and abuse. Our child club not only trains the children about maintaining child protection but also brings such sensitive issues in the forefront so that we can build a safer community with coordinated efforts.

Let’s instill creative skills through SUPW (Socially Useful Productive Work):

SUPW bridges the gap between life and education, education and work. It makes learning effective and useful. It correlates knowledge with craft and theory with practice. It may help to increase national productivity and to self-employment. It leads to proper articulation between life and education. It enriches the personality and helps the child to develop his/her creative faculties and diverse abilities.

Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR):

Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) is about building a socially responsible school striving for social change along the line of seeking upliftment in all aspects. The concept of CSR is associated (but, not limited) with all the stakeholders like customers, employees, investors, society and government. We have integrated CSR activities in school with components such as Free Health Check-ups, environment-friendly operations, donations etc.

Inclusive Environment:

Inclusive Education is the key to leave no one behind. Children with disabilities (physical, intellectual, gender-oriented) are often unable to go to school because of unsuitable school environment and infrastructure. In addition, there is a limited understanding within their communities and among teachers about their learning needs, which is often fuelled by prejudices around disability. Our High School aims to mitigate this problem by working on an Inclusive Environment in school with suitable Infrastructure and experts working on their special needs.

Library Management System:

A fully fledged Library with a special Library Management System is a must in every school these days to instill reading habit/skill within the children. Keeping this notion in mind, our Library is fully equipped with all the necessary materials and appropriate level of books under the supervision of an expert handling the Library Management System. Come, take a Sneak-Peak into our Library and experience the solace of READING!